Sunday, March 23, 2008

More recycled content...

Gotta love these...

Watchout for the monkeys!!!


Have we damaged our youth to the point that they are stacking cups for entertainment or worse... exercise? Nooooooo...

Hillary will -KILL- Obama, literally.

"It's not easy to run a 50 state political operation, to inspire the student vote, to reach across color lines and tired prejudices, to give people hope for a better tomorrow. Obama's done a neat job with that. He may not be ready for 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, but I think he's more than ready for Number One Observatory Circle."

When asked what kind of vice president Obama would make, she said, "I'm sure he'd be right up there with the greats, Elbridge Gerry, Henry Wilson, Garret Hobart." When a reporter pointed out that each of those Vice Presidents died in office, Senator Clinton appeared shocked."


Clinton then went on to say, "I'm not suggesting Obama will die in office but that he will be killed, with a knife, in the oval office. What I am saying is I will kill my vice president."

Happy times...

Obama, criticism, the campaign, and the media

I don't get this, really. I mean I understand Obama has a "sheen" akin to an, especially posthumous, JFK. What I don't get is how that sheen has done anything more than detracted from the issues in a manner that watching vs. listening to the JFK/Nixon debate did. I mean if a reporter feels he is a good orator then maybe they should report that?

Here's the thing though, has the press systematically done a poor job at critiquing each candidate. I would argue yes, but not for reasons of race and gender, but for reasons of substance.

What I would like to see is a simple matrix that looks at voting records (NOMINATE scores for example ... see here: ), policy positions, and stances/promises. This way I could see where, at the margins, Obama differs from Hillary.

Stop telling me about yes we can, 3am phone calls, and Obama's middle name. I don't care that Hillary had botox, that Obama's pastor is senile, and that several people in Hillary's campaign think Obama is using "black" magic to get elected. How I am supposed to logically chose between these candidates if all I know about them is sillyness? Cut it out MEDIA.

A resource for the media

It's the cliff notes version of shit you need to know...

I agree...

Have some in the "media" been hoodwinked by Hillary?

This story struck me as strange.... I noticed over FIVE mentions of Obama and his pastor and their relationship. On its face it seems similar to Kennedy and his relationship with the Pope (marching orders).

I think that Hillary+SNL have convinced major players in the media that they are not doing their job with Obama. That argument seems weak to me. The media is fucking up generally (e.g. reporting on things that are not informative, but are infotaining).

I get bringing up this pastor thing, but it seems like I read enough articles that don't have anything else but good things to say about Obama so they feel they need to latch onto things like this... as if it is helping the electorate.

While Hillary has a past to be criticized, so does Obama... one of them just happens to be more in the public eye. I just wish that articles like this would not make one Clinton point and then always come back and counter with this Obama and his pastor thing.

I know lots of people whose views I don't agree with but they are still my friends.

Don't listen to the WSJ... Obama's right on this one.

1) These are the honest views of many blacks, so is the best solution to marginalize the entire community because of a subset of crazy beliefs? I think Obama was right in that we need to learn how to incorporate these people back into society and in doing so maybe convince them that the entire world, or at least the government, is not systematically out to get them.

2) I am sure that $22,500 dollars was not paid to the reverend to go around the country speaking only about these issues (and if it was, Charles is right.) I think Charles misses the fact that the church was involved in the community. The money is not a proxy of the views necessarily, but it is of where and how the money is spent.

3) It seems that he makes a point that actions speak louder than words. It's ok for his grandmother and Harry Truman both to harbor racists feelings so long as they do not act on them in a negative way. If we are judging in terms of actions, then why don't we look at what the church has done for the community instead of through speeches. But maybe his point is more subtle, maybe it's just not ok to spout fear publicly. That Harry Truman would in fact be judged as hurting the interests of minorities if he took the same positive actions, but publicly slandered Jews and Blacks. This seems inconsistent too, though. Because, it would seem to mean that Jesse Jackson is also wrong to spread racial hatred (or in this case, racial fear of black men on the streets). So what is it that matters, words or actions... and how are we judging Wright? Let alone Obama, a degree of separation away.

4) Is he suggesting that it is best to ignore racism? Or just ignore black problems with race? Or just white problems? Obama made the point of grievances on BOTH sides. The problems he cited do not only face blacks, but whites too. Poverty doesn't discriminate, even if it is disproportionate.

5) Why expose your children to old black people, Charles asks. Why don't you shield your children from the realities of today and the opinions of many people in your own community? If we ignore the views of a segment of the older black generation then we wont be subject to them, is that the argument? Maybe the sermon provides a contrast for Obama... to teach his children that the problems of the past are not simple, but are deep seeded. That the views of a sizable minority still exist and instead of ostracizing a generation that witnessed overt and more systematic racism, that we should attempt to form a pluralistic society and demonstrate with actions that we can incorporate this generation into the melting pot.

Maybe if we can stand with these people, or at least not marginalize them, and demonstrate that the government cares about their plight, or at least cares about it as much as it does the white plight, then we will have taken one step forward in convincing a bitter, and rightly so, generation that its views do not represent modernity and are not based on facts or intentions. I think that if we can do that, and our actions speak to our intentions, that racially charged words wont have the same sting because in that world 30% of the black population wont be in jail, more than 50% of the black population will graduate high school, and cocaine will carry the same sentence, or a stiffer one, than crack.

Web Traffic & a Media Ho

Web Traffic
It's a shame that Hillary doesn't know shit about the Internets. It could have really helped her if she did. I think with the 2:1 Sept 2007 lead Obama had to Hillary in terms of website hits that the average extra 7 seconds people spend on her website clearly washes out.

Gotta love sluts who will do anything for 15 minutes

The greatest thing about the Internet is that it lets sluts without talent get popular because of some stupid viral YouTube video. e.g. That stupid Chocolate Rain song.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Kerry Comment Kills (our troops)

John Kerry apologized today for telling the troops to, "Fuck off and suck my rich white cock, whore." Republican strategists say that this one comment could lead to Republican victories all across in America in the upcoming midterm elections. Democrats have said that this quote was taken out of context and that voters should read the full story, officials have posted IM logs from which the John Kerry quote was taken,

KerryStud: So, are you back from Iraq soon? Want a massage?
Iraqiepageboy: Yes and I dunno, maybe
KerryStud: What if I just fondled your balls a bit?
Iraqiepageboy: I guess that would be nice.
KerryStud: Do you like to talk dirty?
Iraqiepageboy: Kindof.
KerryStud: When you visit my Washington office maybe I can smack your ass around a bit and tie you up?
Iraqiepageboy: Ok.
KerryStud: What if I tied you up, put a facemask on you, and told you to fuck off and suck my rich white cock, whore.
Iraqiepageboy: Well, that certainly would make me feel like you cared for me more than sending to me to the Middle East to die for no discernable reason.
KerryStud: Yea, suckit soldierwhore.

(P.S.: Does anyone even remember the molesting of boys, stealing of millions of dollars, a failed overseas war, a failed response to a natural disaster, some shiesty elections, and the vice president shooting a man in the face just to name a few? I really could give a fuck if John Kerry said FUCK OUR MOTHERFUCKING TROOPS... because it's better than having sex with our boys while accepting campaign bribes.)

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Fouling Fowls Fuck France

The bird-flu has now appeared in France in a dead duck, but French Health minister Xavier Bertrand said that French poultry was still safe to eat “with your eyes closed.” France has vowed to fight the outbreak of this deadly disease and international health experts said that this may be one of the only battles in history that the French aren't able to surrender to in order to solve the problem. Some of Xavier’s previous employees have come back for volunteer work to aid in the crisis and, despite some distaste for their methods within the French government, Xavier has full confidence in his ex-men.

Myspace chapter...

So I have just finished a book on numerous subjects and I wanted to post a chapter of it here to get feedback or for your own amusement....

Chapter 4: Myspace, the epic battle for the less retardation of America’s youth.

I am sure that the reader of this book is familiar with, but I will rehash its purpose here. It’s basically a network and a place where people from 8 yr olds to those in their mid twenties go and write about themselves and take pictures of themselves and look at their own profiles and gather up friends and post songs and use the letters of their names to make acronyms and have a particular type of alcoholic drink that describes them and talk about what they did or are planning on doing and discuss who they are and look for people to date and tell each other how pretty they are and where all of that comes together to leech off of the entire collective soul of the American youth and then regurgitate it down the drain. First off, the Fox corporation now owns Myspace (Rupert Murdoch) and apparently bought Intermix Media, the majority shareholder in, for 580 million dollars. I wont say anything about Fox because I realize they can shutdown Disney and assassinate Mickey if they wanted to, or even skullfuck a muppet, and get away with it, and although I may be a physically smaller target, if they can shoot an adorable panda-like stuffed animal that has pancakes for ears they could surely eliminate me. Also, police are now starting to use Myspace as a tool to track down people. In addition, Myspace is starting to become a major marketing tool, as it must generate revenue, where you see ads, profiles, and messages all structured to become some faucet to some corporate identity. For example, has been featured on Myspace’s mainpage, part of a Nike campaign. Fox isn’t to blame though; Myspace is just an evolution of the teen online community, which came out of places like facebook and the like. Myspace claims they have over 20 million users. So what’s so bad about online communities, for example Wikipedia has spread free knowledge to everyone and isn’t that helpful? Yes, but it is a valuable service to everyone because it opens up knowledge to the world, even to those that don’t contribute. Just like all online communities bad and good things can come of it, such as with Craigslist. Craigslist is a San Francisco Bay Area based website that is amazing. It found me my apartment and linked me to a jobsite where I found my job. Although they provide all of these great services (AD FREE!) they also provide a service called casual encounters ( which is a synonym for no strings attached sex.) Basically it’s a get-laid-quick service, kind of one of the downsides for CL, because who knows how many people now have the AIDS because of raunchy internet-hookup sex, you can put down your hands now. Basically, information that comes out is not going to be better than the information that you put in. So we have determined that the idea of Myspace isn’t a bad one and that ads can be a necessity of free services. Plus, online communities can do good. So why does Myspace get it’s own chapter? It’s because it gives teens with no focus a place to waste good energy. Think about if all of these kids spent half of the time they do on Myspace exercising, reading, bettering themselves, voting, masturbating, or helping old people cross the freeway. At the end of the day Myspace is more addictive than just a game because of its psudosocial interaction model. Unlike a single player game, where you have not gained anything or received social interaction, but have just received some latent playtime, Myspace is tricky. It allows you to interact with people, but without the important medium of touch. Kids seem to spend so much time writing about themselves and making a colossal media central of all the things that define their life, but at the end of the day after all of the pictures, the comments, the bulletin posts, the more pictures, the videos, the music, the offers for sex, they still have not touched anyone physically or looked at them in the eye or made the move to kiss someone. The problem is once again one with communication, if we build new barriers for direct communication by inventing other means of communication and stream lining the speed (ala Myspace instead of driving a car three blocks to a friend’s house and interacting with them) then we drive down the number of possible occurrences for physical interaction. The difference between Myspace and Craigslist and Wikipedia is that two of these are outlets for new information and productive services such as job search, knowledge outlets, room search, and more. Myspace, on the other hand is like a dating service on steroids for 8yr olds and up. People use it to pull down check boxes, play music, and post pictures all of which is just a recycling of information or pushing of personal information to others. None of which really adds to society. However, who knows where this will lead? Will my generation setup a Myspace-like system for government where Rousseau’s implementation of direct democracy could be possible in the Internet age. Yes, so long as there is a “Hot or not” rating for each congressman. Only then would a true system of representative democracy work, when users of Myspace would vote on their congressmen based on their “hotness” rating or number of friends.

The cliff notes/moral of the story:

So let’s make an analogy. Myspace is to intelligent discourse as a deer hunter in an H2 is to the safety of Bambi. The problem boils down to injection and not the system. If you inject real content into a system, it can be productive and a valuable resource. Myspace is void of a lot of valuable content. Just like blogging isn’t generally the equivalent of journalism, because one has standards, fact checkers, a budget, and the other only requires some guy who doesn’t exercise and is a virgin to type into a box and hit publish. If my peers can get off their kick to see pictures of pretty people and read about the stupid shit that their friends did today and pay attention to world affairs, learn how to play the piano, or even physically talk with someone, maybe we wouldn’t be seen as a generation of retarded apathetic voters who are more concerned with the smell of each others farts than we are with the collective poisoning of the atmosphere. Maybe I am wrong, maybe if we interviewed these Myspace people we would find out they can all add, subtract, multiply, and possibly divide things other than their legs. Basically, Myspace is like a gigantic highschool and now that we have an online version of this I hope that the University of Phoenix trend can carry down to the highschool level so we can all get our fill of vacuous teens online such that the 6 bright people in school don’t have to have their lunch money shoved so far up their ass that they feel violated by George Washington himself. At least that way EVERYONE would be equally socially inept instead of that only happening with the social outcasts. Read a book, or spend some real time with people and avoid Myspace not because it is bad, but because it can become a bad addiction just like anything else, except that it has pictures of hot smutty people, so the potential to get sucked in is exponentially greater. However, if you do have a Myspace please add this to your favorite books of all time, I will totally add you as my friend if you do it! No, but seriously, don’t do that. SEACREST OUT!

Dick dicked around!

Vice President Dick Cheney shot a man in the face while quail hunting the other day. Harry Whittington, his 78 year-old victim, after recovering from a mild heart attack because of the birdshot, made a speech saying that accidents happen and that he was sorry Cheney had to go through so much public harassment. In a related interview a witness said, “I saw him aiming very carefully before he was building up to shoot, but then somehow Dick jerked hard and shot all over Harry’s face.”

Monday, February 06, 2006

Violence in the MIDDLE EAST? NO!

The Danish Embassy was torched in Damascus, Syria in response to a caricature of Mohamed printed in a Danish newspaper. This attack on the embassy mirrors a similar occurrence in 2000 when the residents of Florida torched the embassy of Chad because of all of the election problems that they caused.

Monday, January 16, 2006

A Woman President?!? Was the whole COUNTRY PMSing?

Chile has just elected its first woman as president, Michelle Bachelet. A leader of the socialist party elected as president with a 53% margin over billionaire Sebastian Pinera. This is important news coming from a country that is considered to be among the most traditional in Latin America. In the US, Hillary Clinton is seen as a strong frontrunner for the Presidential campaign in 2008. Bill Clinton spoke to reporters today on the development in Chile when he said that he would be glad to tap that ass.

Thursday, December 15, 2005


Sorry for not posting, I have been applying to graduate school. Not that ANYONE reads.

It was reported today the Al-Zarqawi was captured in Iraq a year ago but was released because the Iraqi authorities didn't know who he was at the time. After a long investigation it was found that the reason Zarqawi was released was because he wasn't carrying his international terrorist passport at the time.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Harry "cop-a-feel" Potter

The latest Harry Potter, Goblet of Fire, has just been released in theaters. This movie features a Harry Potter who is now 14 and beaming with hormones. In addition to the older cast, the new film carries a PG-13 rating and additional violence and sexual tension. In particular, parents don’t appreciate how Harry uses his magic wand to abracadabra all over Hermonie’s face.